
Languishing? We feel you. And can help.

In the past year, leaders have gone from operating in crisis mode to managing teams experiencing burnout, while themselves feeling depleted of time, energy, and motivation.  Can you relate? Maybe you're languishing.  Don't recognize that feeling?  You probably know its effects: "with no disgnosable MORE

Success in a Spectacular Failure

Naked at Work's One Year Bookiversary Meet the Author events via Zoom replaced a low-key in-person celebration. Leading in Crisis webinars replaced in-person speaking engagements. This is NOT how it was supposed to be. Yet, this is how it was to release MORE

A Dynamic Approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for Leaders

It is impossible to ignore the clanging bells and alarms around racial inequity and distress that the past year has pulled front and center in all of our lives. The disparities and issues around race and equity are nothing new and can in no MORE

Remote Communication as Employee Development

You heard about it when you were in the office and even more now that we’re working remotely: communication. A big reason for such scrutiny is that the most intuitive form of communication - real-time, in-person conversations -- was wrenched away from us in MORE

Let’s Get Ready Together

Look familiar? This is the slide for the beginning of each of our On Demand classes: a reminder to pause before we dive into the session. Why is clearing space so important? According to the Mayo Clinic, practicing mindfulness improves attention and decreases job MORE

Putting a bow on 2020: Tips for having a Team Event (without an event)

The degree of difficulty in leadership in 2020 has been extraordinary.  The overlap of people challenges and business complexity, like everything else, is unprecedented. Good news?  You made it!  2020 is over. It’s time to close the book on this year and begin anew. MORE

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