Executive Coaching

Stalling in Your Career? Stop Confusing These Two Things.

What is the difference between “that pitch was accepted by the client” and “that pitch went well”? or “we didn’t win that one” and “my choices cost us that pitch”? In each case, one is an objective fact and the other is a subjective MORE

Lead Authentically Without Crossing the Line

The best executives in the world lead authentically, and yet the authentic leaders who get the most attention tend to be the worst examples.  Take Tesla CEO Elon Musk, for example. Musk is unapologetically his authentic self, and his tweets are no exception. His MORE

It’s Time for Leaders to “Get Naked” at Work

If you’re leading a team, it’s time to get naked.  Before we go any further, let me be clear: being naked at work is a metaphor. Please keep your clothes on. Getting naked at work means dropping anything and everything you’re doing for the MORE

Even the World’s Most Successful Business Leaders Struggle With Self-Doubt—but You Don’t Have To

My mother once called me a spectacular failure. She uttered the words on a particularly dark professional day. I’d built a business I loved from the ground up and invested everything I had in it. I’d mortgaged the house and spent days and weeks MORE

SWOT Analysis: Empower Yourself to Crush Challenges

Imagine that you, an executive, are facing a changing, difficult market. Instead of softening to allow for this market, your sales goals have nearly doubled. Your product is strong, but adoption is slow. Your team functions are siloed, and communication is tricky. As usual, MORE

6 Clear Steps to Become a Fearlessly Authentic Leader

Have you kept your opinions to yourself in the boardroom? Are you hesitant to share big ideas with your teams for fear they won’t support you? Do you shy away from risks, even if they offer the potential for big rewards? If so, now MORE

3 Actionable Steps to Shut Down Your Leadership Doubt

In my experience as an executive coach, all leaders struggle with some level of feeling ill-equipped for the job. It can be a vague sense of something missing or disconnection. It can be the paralyzing thought that you’re masquerading as competent and it’s only MORE

8 Reasons Failure Forges Strong Leaders

The following is adapted from Naked at Work: A Leader's Guide to Fearless Authenticity. Whether you’ve been rejected for a promotion, lost a client, or screwed up an important project, failure feels awful, demoralizing, and draining. However, there are secret upsides of failure: reflection, MORE

Leading Through Crisis: An On-Demand Q&A for Leaders

We're with you in this new unexpected, uncertain world of COVID-19. We recently offered a free Q&A webinar for leaders on Leading Through Crisis. We hope this recording of it provides you practical applications - and some encouragement, too - for how to lead MORE

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